Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Formative Assessment Opportunities for Reading Processes & Content

Formative Assessment Opportunities

For Reading Processes & Content

1.      Talk with students one-on-one while other students work.
2.      Analyze Metacognitive Logs and/or Annotations (Talk to the Text) and model strategies as needed.
a.      Use the Compliance – Practice – Mastery Approach.
b.      Analyze one section per time period.
c.       Use the Metacognitive Funnel.
d.      Respond to student’s Brain section and have them respond back.
3.      Itinerant monitoring as groups work together or during Think-Aloud.
4.      Probing Questions during small or whole group discussion.
5.      End-of-day feedback
a.      Gots and Needs
b.      Sticky Notes
6.      Students identify and provide evidence of growth for Student Learning Goals
7.      Curriculum Embedded Reading Assessment (CERA) Pre & Post

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