Monday, July 23, 2012

Really? Reading in Science, Math, and Social Studies?

In Reading Apprenticeship
"An abiding focus is how supports for all the dimensions of Reading Apprenticeship, together with metacognitive conversation and extensive reading, work together to support engaged disciplinary learning.  The multiple text reading, modeling and argumentation inquiry is intended to underscore how close reading supports rigorous disciplinary learning."
So does that mean we all need to become reading specialists in order to better support engaged disciplinary learning?  Absolutely not, rather, you will need to merely tap into the invisible, unstated practices of science/math/social studies literacy that you already have.  You will have the opportunity to make those processes visible to yourself and your students.  Your students will in turn make their thinking visible to you allowing for deep disciplinary conversation and ultimately great understanding.  The strategies are not new and 'fancy-fangled' but rather being made explicit and utilized on a routine basis until they become inherent in our students so that they too can think, problem-solve, and learn like others in your field.

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