RA Word Wall

RA Term or Phrase
Capturing the Reading Process
A series of questions that allows the reader to reflect on roadblocks and reading strategies used to make sense of a text.
Cognitive Dimension

One of the four domains of the RA framework that builds reading strategies.

Breaking apart words in attempt to make meaning
Evidence Interpretation Chart
A dual entry routine which encourages readers to cite evidence for their analysis/interpretation of the text.

Processing larger language units (not exclusively the speed at which an individual reads)
Focus Question Image Predict
A reading process analysis in which teachers in the same subject area read a challenging, discipline-specific text to uncover the specific ways of approaching reading that are shared within an academic community.
Knowledge-Building Dimension

One of the four domains of the RA framework that builds knowledge of content, text structure, language, and the world.
List, Inquire, Note, Know
A RPA routine used to surface misconceptions and develop new and accurate schema.
Making Thinking Visible
Any physical or written demonstration of Metacognition.
Metacognitive Logs
Extended reading, a whole chapter or whole section within a chapter.  Must be followed up with a metacognitive conversation. (What kind of questions do you have?  What was confusing?  What was interesting?)  Collect several together for grading at one time.  [compliance, practice, expertise] RfU (pp 115-118)
Personal Dimension

One of the four domains of the RA framework that supports personal identity.

The breadth of a reader’s focus, textual preferences, textual exposure, etc.
Reading Apprenticeship
Click here
Reading Process Analysis
An inquiry activity and instructional strategy that surfaces problem-solving processes while reading challenging texts.
Reading for Understanding
RA Textbook
Reciprocal Teaching
A process in which students share the responsibilities of owning and teaching a piece of text to others

A previewing strategy focused on asking and answering questions within a small group.
Social Dimension

One of the four domains of the RA framework that builds safe classroom community.

A reader’s ability to tolerate ambiguity and persist through reading the text for meaning.
Sustained Silent Reading
A period of time dedicated to silent, individual work with the text.   A weekly routine of student-selected text reading.

The patterns found in a sentence or piece of text.
Talk to the Text
Short segments of reading
Text +1

A supplemental text that deepens the work with the core text
Text and Task Analysis

A reading process analysis in which teachers examine a specific text in order to uncover the types of schema (4) their students will encounter when reading a specific text.
Think Aloud
2 or 3 paragraph maximum

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