Sunday, July 21, 2013

Defining Disciplinary Disourse

Over the past year I have run into trouble defining this phrase and I ran across this clarification in Reading for Understanding today on page 40.

Discourse is a particular form of language.
Disciplinary Discourse is a particular form of language that develops in a particular social setting.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Give or Grow?

Today, on page 5 of Reading for Understanding I ran across this statement,

"To the degree that students cannot independently access the knowledge and information embedded in their books and other curriculum materials, teachers try to find alternative ways to help them 'get the content'."
I remember reading this statement the my first time through chapter one, but today, after a really challenging year of implementing Reading Apprenticeship in my classroom, it struck me differently.  It begged me to ask whether I am satisfied with just giving my students the answers?  Don't I want more for my students? Growth ...perhaps.